Jasmine Walters
Placed at Best Starts for Kids
What excites you about being part of the Pathwaves Fellowship? What are you hoping to gain from the experience?
I am excited to learn more about Early Childhood policy in Washington State and how it fits within the larger context of child development and wellbeing, especially alongside a cohort of fellows who also hope to make a positive difference for young people in our communities, cities, and state. I am also excited to step into the policy arena as a part of an organization that centers BIPOC communities’ lived experiences in advocacy and policy work which closely impacts our communities. From this experience, I’m hoping to gain a strong network of Early Childhood changemakers and a renewed perspective on policy work with collective impact at the heart.
Share a little about your journey and why you are excited about early childhood policy work.
I have been a part of community-based organizations in South Seattle since I was young, both as a participant and as a facilitator. One of my deepest desires is to pour into young people all that was poured into me by those in my community who saw a need and sought to fill it. Early childhood is such a formative time in our youth’s lives and they all deserve a chance to grow up in a healthy, empowering environment no matter where they are born. I am excited about Early Childhood policy work because it is an important part of bringing this reality to fruition.
What are you looking forward to doing at your placement site?
At King County Best Starts for Kids, I’m looking forward to thinking creatively about our childcare policy work and how we can make childcare sustainably accessible in King County for all those who need it. I’m hoping to think, dream, and build with our families and communities to go beyond written plans and into meaningful actions that positively transform the childcare field for children, providers, and families.
What are two things that most people don’t know about you?
Two things that most people don’t know about me are that I love dancing when no one is looking, and that I am nervous every time I speak in public no matter how confident I seem!
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