Kawthar Abdullah
Placed at OneAmerica
What excites you about being part of the Pathwaves Fellowship? What are you hoping to gain from the experience?
I’m excited to be part of the Pathwaves Fellowship because it offers an incredible opportunity to connect with and learn from passionate, up-and-coming leaders in the early childhood policy space. Building a strong community of advocates and changemakers is something I deeply value, and I’m looking forward to growing alongside others who are equally committed to advancing equity in the sector.
Share a little about your journey and why you are excited about early childhood policy work.
I got into this work because I personally experienced the tough choice between continuing my education and being a mom. I never imagined I’d have to choose between the two, until I started looking into quality childcare. That’s when reality hit me. The high cost and lack of access to childcare shattered my dreams and the plans I had for myself. That experience lit a fire in me. No one should have to choose between their career or education and being a parent, but the reality is, it’s mostly women who are put in that position. I want to help change that, so families have the support they need to thrive.
What are you looking forward to doing at your placement site?
I’m looking forward to building a powerful base of immigrant providers, workers, and parents who care about an accessible, affordable, and quality childcare. I look forward to helping pass equitable childcare legislation.
What are two things that most people don’t know about you?
I’m a huge fan of Jane Austen and her books. I’ve read and watched Pride and Prejudice more times than I can count. You can easily bribe me with ice cream. Bonus points if it’s chocolate.